
Students holding books

Welcome to the RPES Library/Media Center. Functioning as the information center for the school, our library provides its patrons with opportunities to develop a love for reading and the research skills they will need to enjoy lifelong learning.

Library Hours

 7:45 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

Library Staff

Contact Us

Phone: (804) 723-3589
Fax: (804) 723-3594

Policies and Procedures

Students and teacher dressed as Hogwarts students

All RPES students check out books during their classes’ weekly library time. Students may check out books each week depending on their grade level as follows: 

-Kindergarten and 1st grade = 1 book per week
-2nd and 3rd grades = 2 books per week
-4th and 5th grades = 3 books per week

In order to check out a new book every week, students must return their library books before their classes' weekly library time. All students are limited to one book per series at a time and they are also encouraged to pick out a variety of genres. In addition, students are limited to one graphic novel per week so their classmates can also enjoy them.

If a student fails to bring in his/her library book or if it is lost or damaged, there will be a fine for the price of the book and the required library-style binding.

Students may also check out books during Morning Open Check Out from 7:45 am to 8:00 am Monday-Friday. However, students will not be permitted to utilize Morning Open Check Out on days their class is scheduled to visit the library.

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